Overcoming gray skies after gray divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Wednesday, April 8, 2020.

For older Missouri residents, ending a marriage can be a particularly confusing and emotional process. Often referred to as a “gray divorce,” the term simply means a divorce between a couple over the age of 50. Any children may have already struck out on their own, and a divorcee may be retired from a job that occupied a lot of his or her time. The prospect of starting over without the company of a spouse may be scary, but people considering a gray divorce have options.

There are a few tips for healing emotionally during and after a gray divorce. There may be concerns about a potentially empty social life, especially if a spouse continues to attend events and engagements that were once mutual. Instead of feeling a sense of loss, it’s possible to look at this situation as an opportunity to try new things, perhaps something that the individual has always wanted to explore. A cooking class, a book club, a new sport or perhaps just a weekly lunch date with a friend can provide something to look forward to.

Getting plenty of sleep may be difficult immediately following a split, but experts say a good night’s sleep will help. Fortunately, the sleepless nights that might feel like they will last forever are usually only temporary. Finally, a person should spend some time thinking about goals and ambitions, and stay positive. Divorce is a highly emotional experience, and a person suffering from anger, depression or panic attacks can reach out to a therapist or counselor for help.

Divorce, at it’s core, is a legal process. A court will have to decide how to divide assets like homes, vehicles and other property. Sometimes, a spouse may be eligible to receive alimony payments, and any joint finances, including investments and retirement accounts will be fairly divided between the parties. It’s best to contact an experienced attorney to help with such matters in order to achieve a fair and comprehensive resolution of all applicable family law issues.

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